Campaign Dashboard gives you an overview of all of the campaigns you have deployed during any time period you wish to view.

For individual campaign breakouts, go to Campaign X-Ray.

Campaign Metrics

This tab has a number of campaign metrics incorporated into multiple charts and graphs for you to analyze. 

Responses by Month (Based on Response Date)

This chart displays the monthly trend of Opens, Click-Throughs, Conversions, and revenue by the day on which recipients responded. Downward or conflicting trends must be examined further.

Response Rates by Month (Based on Drop Rate)

This displays the monthly trend of Open Rates, Click-through Rates, Conversion Rates, and Revenue generated by 1,000 emails on the day that the email was dropped. These response rates may reveal different patterns compared to response counts.

Responses by Day of the Week (Based on Response Date)

This chart displays Opens, Click-throughs, and Conversions by the day of the week that recipients responded. 

Response Rates by Day of the Week (Based on Drop Date)

This chart displays Open Rates, Click-through Rates, and Conversion Rates by the day on which the email was dropped. This report is used to identify the most effective campaign drop day.

Responses by Daypart (Based on Response Time)

This chart displays Opens, Click-throughs, and Conversions by the time of day that recipients responded.

Responses Rates by Daypart (Based on Drop Time)

This chart displays Open Rates, Click-through Rates, and Conversions rates by the time of day on which the email was dropped. This is report is used to identify the most effective campaign drop time. 

Overview: AutoPilot vs. Scheduled

This chart displays Opens, Click-throughs, and Conversions by AutoPilot vs. Scheduled Campaigns.

Response Rates: AutoPilot vs. Scheduled

This chart displays Open, Click-through, and Conversion Rates by AutoPilot vs Scheduled campaigns.  

Top 10 Campaigns by Revenue Amount

This chart displays the Top 10 campaigns by revenue amount.

Top 10 Campaigns by Revenue per 1,000 Emails

This chart displays the Top 10 campaign performance by revenue per 1,000 emails sent.

Technology and Geo

This tab breaks down metrics by DeviceOperating System, and Language so that you can adjust/optimize your advertising based on the device they use to consume your media.

AutoPilot vs. Scheduled

Click on the chart icon on the middle right side of the screen to view data on how AutoPilot campaigns performed against scheduled campaigns over your specified time period. You can choose between a general Campaign Overview, Overview by Month, or Overview by Day of the Week.