In this age of 1:1 marketing, personalization is key to increase the efficiency of your campaign and incite more conversions.

You can utilize segmentation to vary your email targets across a wide array of different data.

Creating Your Target

The true first step is setting up a goal for your marketing campaign - this will dictate what your targets should be. 

When you have different targets in mind for your email campaign, split them up into different groups and vary their messaging according to different factors such as value or demographic.

Example: MVBs vs Non-MVBs

As per their name, MVBs are your most valuable customers, and should be treated as such. They have already demonstrated a willingness to spend more, more often than the rest. Your message should pamper your MVBs with more exclusive offers (such as private access to a new product) and use elevated wording and sentiments. 

To create this segment, 

  1. Navigate to Advanced Targeting > My Segments and create a new segment.
  2. Click the “Scores” data field.
  3. Choose “Amount Score greater than 1”. 
  4. For non-MVBs, repeat steps 1-3, but change the criteria to “Amount Score less than or equal to 1.”


Example: Lifestage Groups

People respond best to people that they can relate to - and your messaging should reflect that. Design different messages where the hero shot (or main image) depicts a representation of the group you are sending to. Depending on the target, you can include young millennial couples, or images of baby boomers.

To create different cluster segments, 

  1. Navigate to Advanced Targeting > My Segments and create a new segment.
  2. Click the “Clusters” data field.
  3. Choose “Lifestage Group.”
  4. Choose “Exactly Matches.”
  5. Begin typing and select your Lifestage group name.


You can combine multiple Lifestages into one segment, or you can have multiple segments for different Lifestages. 

There are many ways to divide your customer base - such as MVBs or Lifestage groups above, or through discount propensity or engagement behavior. All you need is to formulate an idea of your target group in mind beforehand.

Now that you have your target for personalized email content, you are now ready to set up your campaign and start delivering on 1:1 marketing. 

For more on segmentation, read this article.